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Testimonials & Recommendations
“I switched to solar because I wanted to make sure that my electric bills would not increase in the future. I found Scan Flex Dk as my right solution partner" Karl Azoms.
“We were impressed with the Scan Flex DK crew; the deployment process was fast and they all seemed to be very well trained in their jobs.” – Biza Group
“Scan Flex Dk offered us first class service, their staff was professional and knowledgeable, disruption was minimal and the team genuinely showed an understanding of the needs of the business and how to best meet our needs”.
Sustainability is a part of Scan Flex DK identity. We encourage farmers to use this solution in order to stop carbon emission. The solar field that resides on the hillside of the property power the business along with the charging station. Our efforts on being sustainable can be used as a model for others. The charging stations were installed to encourage a lifestyle. A lifestyle of being mindful of our environment and our health.
By committing to sustainability, business can take shared responsibility for achieving a better world. Scan Flex DK considers business as a force for good.