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From reliable residential and commercial collection to our impressive recycling centers to our environmentally sound landfills and transfer stations, we are dedicated to excellent customer service and waste prevention.
Scan Flex DK uses state-of-the-art equipment, innovative technology, and economies of scale to ensure dependable, cost-effective services. Strongly committed to protecting our environmental and human resources, we are actively involved in the communities we serve.
Why Recycle? |
Cleanliness is the important factor for a healthy environment
Nowadays, garbage issues have become a serious thing in maintaining the cleanliness of the city. Many of the city areas are still without public garbage bins & so the garbage is thrown at the road side or at the corners in locality, which creates ugliness to the corners. Due to no garbage bins, garbage is thrown in the small water reservoirs or the drainage water which creates blockages. In rainy season, these blockages damage the water flowing system & then water overflows.