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Civil Works
Scan Flex DK Agency builds Mass Housing, Shopping Malls, Markets and Hostels for Universities, Military and Para-Military camps using Mobile Containers and Conventional Blocks. We also use German made Caste Blocks for building which is easier and faster, as well as Thailand made wooden floors, serving as Tiles. This is absolutely good for African weather and strong enough to carry on Basketball players as Basketball courts are made with this technology in recent times.
Each Estate we build, we have the capacity to power it using Green Technology, solar, wind turbines, or waste energy sources, as well as providing purified water treatment plants to give residents clean drinking water.
Scan Flex DK is seeking to partner Universities and Polytechnics through Government designated funding agency, so as for the undergraduates in relevant Engineering fields in every Nigeria College to benefit from our practical Courses in Caste Block making, as we plan to open up the factory in Nigeria as well as work with the students in Electrical Power generation processes: Solar, Wind and Gas.
Scan Flex DK serves the small and the very huge organisations and we’re ready for your next project.
Scan Flex DK have achieved one million man hours in growing bussinesses without a single lost time accident. Our team of experienced specialists are experts in installing solar power systems for private companies, public institutions, housing associations and regular homeowners.